Wednesday, January 23, 2013

praising Him.

On day fifteen my hair started falling out. I noticed little strands on my pillow, strands of hair hanging from our black lab's mouth, and in the shower. A lot of it was in the shower! After washing my hair, it felt like I had cob webs entangled between my fingers. I couldn't get it off! It was frustrating and annoying. It also saddened my heart a little. I knew this moment was coming, I just didn't expect it to happen after two treatments. So, after three days of enduring a painful scalp, pulling clumps of hair off the back of my clothes, and hugging Greg and having my hair stuck in his goatee... I decided to take matters into my own hands. (The hugging Greg and having a clump of my hair hanging from his goatee was actually quite humorous for me, it's okay to laugh.)
So, back to taking matters into my own hands? I decided to give myself a hair cut. I warned Greg before he got home what my plan was. I didn't want to have a Parenthood moment... (if you watch the show you'll know what I'm talking about). I grabbed the scissors first. I just cut off a few crazy spots. After looking at the back of my head I could actually see several large bald spots. Then I grabbed the clippers. I was having a hard time buzzing my own head, I couldn't see what I was getting in the back, if I was actually getting anything. So, I finished what I could, put a hat on and called it good. Greg text me that afternoon asking if I had cut my hair, I told him about my dilemma and he said, "Okay, I'll help you." Those words were so comforting to me. I didn't want to put him through the trauma of buzzing his own wife's hair... unless he wanted to of course. It turns out anyway I had grabbed his beard clippers instead of the regular hair clippers... Sheesh, who knew there was a difference? No wonder I was having a hard time getting it all. (Again, you may laugh at that). Here is a picture of me with a hat on... not brave enough to post the bald one. :)

During the moment of cutting my own hair I turned on some worship music. I figured I needed to praise Him for my hair falling out. Sounds odd but thats what I felt. God I look to You by Bethel Music,    came on...  this song has been my anthem. It breaks me.
God I Look to You <-- click on this link and listen to it, seriously.

It says, "God I look to you, I won't be overwhelmed, give me vision to see things like you do..."
That's what I feel. I feel overwhelmed, but when I'm in His presence I feel safe and secure.

I haven't been able to attend church, since I've been feeling pretty sick... thankful for Creekwood Church that I can listen online.
My pastor, Stephen Nutt, started a new series. "Your Best Year Yet!" I chuckeled at this as I laid in bed yesterday, listening to his message. Wondering how this could possibly be my best year yet... Getting diagnosed with breast cancer and starting treatment at the start of 2013 doesn't quite scream at me 'your best year yet!'
It's funny how we as christians tend to start doing more of something to please God in hopes that He will heal us faster, get us out of financial hardships, deliver us from a form of addiction, or heal our marriages. Whatever it is, we all try to step it up a little more to please God to get what we want or need. I've done it before. In fact I thought I was doing it recently. Spending more time with God would please Him and in return He would will heal me faster, right?
I'm understanding that that isn't how it works. God laid on my heart at the beginning of this journey to trust Him. Trust Him? That's it? I thought I was already doing that!
Trusting God is more than just pleasing Him. I can sit all day reading my bible and listening to worship music, begging Him to heal me. If my heart isn't fully trusting what He is capable of doing and in His perfect timing, then what is the point? Trusting God is living out who God says that I am. When I had accepted Christ in my heart I was born again and am a new person. My heart is sincere and I am living my life to Trust God.
I am so thankful for my pastor for sharing this message in the timing that it was received. It just confirmed for me, that once again I am on the right track and what I'm hearing from God is truth.

I am praising Him everyday, even when I don't feel like it. I'm thanking Him we found out sooner than later about the cancer. I'm thanking Him for my oncologist whom I didn't like at first but am growing to respect. I am praising the Lord for whatever lessons He is going to teach me throughout this whole experience. As I'm thanking Him each day, my attitude is changing and I know I'm growing stronger in my belief that God will bring me through this time. That somehow He is going to use this unwanted development for good. He has to. He promised in his Word.

Click on the link below to listen to  Pastor Stephen's part 2 of "Your Best Year Yet!"


  1. Lindsey,

    This was so amazing to read! I am so encouraged by your joy and your decision to trust God and rest in Him in such an uncertain time. I can imagine you are encouraging so many others as well by your faith right now. I love you and am praying for you. You look so beautiful by the way!

    ~Savannah Elkins

  2. Lindsey - You are amazing!! You brought tears and smiles with this blog. We, like so many others around the country, are praying for you! But, you're the one who is an encouragement to us! We love you!!
    Kim, Darren, Kathryn, Landry, Jonah

  3. Lindsey, you don't know me but a friend of mine (Bree Slack) posted your blog on facebook just a few minutes ago. Your blog touches my heart, especially because this time last year I was having my first chemo treatment following surgery for ovarian cancer. I was diagnosed and had surgery just before Christmas of 2011. Last year was not easy but it is getting better since I finished my chemo. So far it looks like my treatments killed the ovarian cancer & I pray it stays that way. I had my head shaved right after my 1st treatment because I thought it would be easier for me (Losing my hair was hard).
    I am so sorry your treatments are making you so sick.
    I want to share something very simple that a friend of mine who is a breast cancer survivor shared with me. She said "Remember Spring is coming"-she shared that the treatments may be hard, but once they are over that things will get better...we will feel better. I want to share that with you.
    My heart goes out to you and I cried as I read because I can relate. You are beautiful and I pray God's blessings over you as you walk this difficult path. Remember Spring is coming my sister in Christ.
    In Christ's love

  4. Lindsey you are so beautiful and I am so blessed by you and your encouraging words! God IS using this for good! Your words are such a joy and I praise God that you are praising God through this storm! Always praying and thinking about you! Love you, Amie

  5. Oh Lindsey, it is so obvious that God is doing a good work in you. I know that some people will think that is a rude/crude thing to say to a cancer patient, but hopefully, since I am one, they will cut me a little slack. I learned so much while on that cancer journey and I can identify with you and Teresa. The day the hair started coming out was my hardest. With the help of my sweet husband, we were able to keep it a secret for about 36 hours, but then so much had come loose, that something had to be done. My hair dresser had already agreed to shave my head, so as soon as I could get there, she handled it. In fact, she gave me free 'trims' until there was enough hair to really style. She was such a blessing. As Teresa said, when the chemo is done, the hair starts coming back. Losing the hair is a sign that the chemo is doing its job - attacking the fastest growing cells in your body (hair, the lining of your mouth, and cancer). However, one of the funniest things I experienced was also about the hair. After it had started to come back in, I had decided that I was a 'big girl' and was going to Walmart without my wig or a hat or anything. I was standing in the checkout line, when an angel walked up behind me. She wasn't wearing white flowing robes or anything like that. She just looked like a normal Walmart shopper and not like those crazy pictures you see on the internet! Yet, she was still an angel. From behind me I heard, "Honey, I LOVE your hair! I've wanted to get mine cut that short for years." Well, as you can guess, I was so awe struck that all I could say was 'thank you'. Oh, how I wish I knew her name, because that lady blessed me beyond measure that day. She was my Walmart angel. Sorry this is going on and on, but I did want to tell you one more thing. Take some pictures of yourself without your hair. You may not want to share them with anyone for a while, but in years to come, you will be glad you did. They will be proof of some of the 'good work' God is doing in you. Blessings to you, Ginger

  6. Lindsey- I am so glad you have continued to find joy and reasons to laugh throughout your journey.
    You are beautiful! I've always noticed your smile and the light God put in your eyes--may they shine even brighter now!

  7. Lindsey, You are so beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well. I'm sure God is proud of the way you have handled this whole situation, and is so pleased that you are praising him, thanking him, and living with him in your heart. You, my dear, are an inspiration now and will be in the years to come for so many women that are fighting now and will, in the future have to fight this horrible disease known as cancer. You have so so many people praying for you. Know that you are loved. We are all blessed that you have decided to share your journey.
    Thank you, and keep on fighting knowing that there is only 1 true God and he is on your side. :-)

  8. Wow girly! Thanks for sharing. God deserves our praises indeed, no matter what disease or cancer we face! Prayers.

  9. Lindsey, you are amazing! Love you and miss you!!

  10. Lindsey dont know if you remember me, I was in your small group a few years back at Columbia Heights (well the Salvage Yard actually ) Just wanted to post that you are in my prayers daily as you go through this struggle! Just remember that God will never bring you to something that he can't bring you through! And my favorite verse Romans 8:31

  11. Hi Sweetie, I'm coming through from The Epistolarians, I just wanted to come by and say hi and let you know that I'll be praying for you.

  12. You are gorgeous, Lindsey! Your soul shines through your picture. We are praying for you. Keep that positive attitude going!

  13. thank you all for your encouraging comments... it means a lot! Especially knowing there are people out there that I don't even know, praying for my family and I. that speaks to us so much.
